Friday 31 December 2010

Final Moments of 2010

The silent whispers of the night, the tiredness in my body and the many wandering thoughts i have suppresses the atmosphere as i type and dwell on the year 2010.  I have started to really think about each and every year after my great friend, Yi Peng told me it would help. Well i do hope so. So let me analyze my year.

♥ Highlights ♥
1)Going to London and enjoying myself thanks to my aunt and uncle
2)Have no problem with exams
3) Going home in the summer and being with friends and family
4)Serving in MASSAD
5)Being part of C1

:( Downs :(
1)Mum had a heart problem
2) Sister sick with chicken pox
3)Rumours, rumours rumours
4)Something personal
5)Losing people whom i trusted
6) Lost hope of trusting people
7) Olga Semenyek
8)I failed you CD, YP and Sk

As far as i can see, it has not been a good year for me. 2010 is about to me my past and really the emotional roller coaster ride i went through took alot of me and i just wanna stop expecting anything. When you expect, the people around tend to fail you. Im just gonna believe in myself more and do things by the scruff of its neck.

For everyone out there i just wanna wish you guys a awesome HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011

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